Page 31 - Madeira & Canary Islands (Summer 2020) Brochure
P. 31

Tenerife, Canary Islands

            WEATHER                                            CUISINE
            The Canaries are characterized by their warm climate that doesn’t   Canarian cuisine, varies slightly from island to island, however there
            change much throughout the year. This means that temperatures   are plenty of dishes that they share in common. The most popular of
            generally exceed 20 degrees between April and October, with the   these is Papas Arrugadas, which are whole potatoes that are boiled in
            coldest month, January having an eminently pleasant average of   seawater, giving them wrinkly skin and a salty flavour that all visitors are
            18 degrees. This means that visitors will be able to swim and enjoy   bound to enjoy. The islanders are also massive fish eaters, with a variety
            their  many  beautiful  beaches  all-year-round.  The  hottest  month   of large fish cooked and usually drizzled with a healthy dose of either
            on most of the islands is August, when temperatures average 24-26   mojo rojo or mojo verde the two most popular sauces throughout the
            degrees, depending on which island you visit.      Canaries. Various islands have  their own cheeses,  which are usually
                                                               made with either goat’s milk or sheep’s milk.

            HISTORY & CULTURE
            Having been inhabited since pre-Roman times, historians have long
            been speculating  that  the original residents migrated from North   Atlantic Ocean  Lanzarote
            Africa. However,  their existence  was forgotten for more  than 1000
            years, after the fall of the Roman Empire, until they were rediscovered   Tenerife
            by Spanish Conquistadors in  the late 14th century. From  then on,
            the marauding invaders gradually brought each island under  the      Gran Canaria
            dominion of the Spanish Crown, with Fuerteventura, falling in the early
            15th century and Tenerife being the final domino in 1496. From then on,
            they were ruled from Spain.

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